2018IRONMAN 70.3将于8月27日举行
2018IRONMAN 70.3将于9月23日举行
2017IRONMAN 70.3将于10月22日举行
2020IRONMAN 70.3将于10月18日举行
2019IRONMAN 70.3将于11月10日举行
2019IRONMAN 70.3将于9月15日举行

Feeling burnt out and bored with the same old? Steal one of these creative activities from the pros to keep you on your toes over the holidays.

作者:Megan Evoe
by Megan Evoe

After a long year of training, the smell of chlorine, the sight of your trainer, and the thought of another lonely treadmill run seems pretty uninspiring. The winter months can make a session seem endless as we dream of spring weather and warm, sunny days.

But let's get real, winter is here and we don't want to kiss our fitness goodbye completely. To help battle boredom and burnout, we've whipped up a hearty helping of off-season workouts from some of the best in the business. From hiking to uphill skiing, these refreshing sessions will help you avoid a training rut and spice up your winter workouts.

Justin Daerr
"This year I have been doing a lot of hiking for off-season training, though not always in a casual manner. Boulder has some trails with very steep approaches and I will vary my effort levels with some days including some very challenging aerobic sessions. While hiking is not specific to swimming, biking, or running, it does easily combine a strength and aerobic session and keeps you in an exploring spirit."

Matt Hanson
"I think the burnout comes when people just keep grinding away and just chasing fitness. For most, the early winter months are a time where fitness levels can drop a bit and your workouts can center around a specific area you need to improve. For example, I'll bring my gravel bike out and ride the back roads to work on bike handling skills and hills. The early off-season is also a good time to address your mechanics in all three areas as well and even try something new! I also plan my indoor longer and quality rides around football games, which also helps the time pass quickly. Every race is a learning opportunity and you usually learn where you need to improve—I keep a list of those things that come up throughout the season and really try to tackle them in the off-season."

Rachel Joyce
“去年,我发现进行上山滑雪时要穿着皮肤衣。这是一项对于任何一位“耐力狂热者”来说,再适合不过的运动了。你明明可以满头大汗地跑到坡顶,为什么要使用上山吊椅呢?Julie Dibens 向我解释了原因。而当我第一次乘着它上山时,我并没有想太多关于我如何下山的问题,因为我上一次滑雪已经是20年之前的事情了。事实证明,滑雪犁式技术是一种锻炼臀大肌的极佳方式,还是一个充分利用山地条件进行生存的极好方法。”
"Last year I discovered uphill skiing using skins. It's the perfect sport for any endurance nerd!  Why use the ski lift when you can work up a sweat getting to the top of a slope? Julie Dibens introduced me to it and the first time I went up, I didn't give too much thought on how I would get down as it had been 20 years since I had last skied. It turns out skiing the snow plough technique is a good workout for the glutes, and a great way to make the most of living in the mountains and being outside."
Related Article: Tri Coach—The December Dilemma
Ellie Salthouse
"I really enjoy mixing some long walks and hikes into my program. It's something that I am able to do with family and friends and a great way to discover new places. It's also a great chance to socialize while you exercise, something I don't often get to take advantage of when I'm in heavy training. I also love taking the jet ski out on the water in the summer. It's not really a form of exercise, but I really enjoy stopping off at new locations and exploring the Queensland coastline by water."

Yvonne Van Vlerken
"In the off-season, I love taking my mountain bike out and riding different roads and trails that I normally do. Discovering a new place is fun and I love living in Austria, where I use the off time to discover beautiful, new spots in the mountains. I like to find a fun loop with a hill to add a more intensive part in the middle of a ride. Another off-season session I love to add in is running on new trails, but I make it more fun and bring a friend. I use every opportunity in 'nature's gym,' and use a tree for push-ups or balance exercises as well as hill repeats."

Michelle Vesterby
"In the off-season, the weather is always bad in Denmark, so I love to ride my cross bike. I love finding new tracks and exploring new places. (I always get lost, which means that I get extra training when I am trying to find my way back.) Cross riding keeps your heart rate high and the adrenaline pumping, but most of all, the nature is so beautiful this time of year!"

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